Big Rock Scottish Style Heavy Ale

big-rock-scottishBrewer: Big Rock Brewery, Calgary, AB
Style: Wee Heavy Ale
ABV: 7%
IBUs: Unlisted

Description: As part of their Signature Series, this Scottish ale is brewed in the “Wee Heavy” tradition, employing a combination of Pale, Caramel, Munich and Peated malt, and then bittered with Northern brewer hops.

Tasting Notes: This is my second sampling from the Family Jewels pack, and is one which I have had before (but didn’t review). Again, a but on the light side, but this brew certainly comes through in the flavor department. Like a good Wee Heavy, it has some rich malts, a touch of sweetness, hints of peat moss and whiskey, and a respectable 7% alcohol.

Appearance: Deep red, clear, good foam retention and carbonation
Nose: Rich malt, syrup, sugars, smoked peat, whiskey
Taste: Sweet malt, hint of peat, syrup, biscuits, smoky tang
Aftertaste: Lingering malt, peat flavor, smoky and tangy finish
Overall: 8/10

Parallel 49 Salty Scot

parallel49_labelsIt wasn’t long ago that Parallel 49 Brewing first came to my attention. And after trying their combo pack, which provides a pretty good sampling of what they do, I came to two tentative conclusions. One, the brewers at Parallel 49 tend to experiment with some pretty interesting combinations. And two, the result is really quite good.

But I was decidedly unprepared for some of their latest releases. First, there was the Bad Sweater Milk Stout, which I have yet to try, and their Salty Scot Scotch Ale, which I just finished drinking for the first time. And true to form, this beer is pretty damn experimental, combining caramel and sea salt with a “Wee Heavy”-style scotch ale. And also true to form, the end result was quite pleasing…

Appearance: Dark amber brown, slightly cloudy and good foam retention
Nose: Distinct caramel nose, sugary and sticky sweet
Taste: Light, sweet malts giving way to notes of salt water toffee, viscous and chewy
Aftertaste: Slight tang, giving way to more toffee and touch of smoke
Overall: 8.5/10

What can I say? As far as Wee Heavies go, this is one oddball of a beer! But its taste, nose, and good mouth feel make it a pleasure to drink. At 7.5 alc/vol, it’s certainly deserving of its basic designation, and the sea salt and caramel are a very nice accompaniment, providing some balance to what would otherwise be a heavy ale.

I am intrigued and kind of frightened to know what they might come out with next. Might I suggest something run of the mill; perhaps a nice, simple pale ale? No fruit, no dairy, and no particular variety of candy? No dice, huh? Ah, do what you like. You’re five for five so far 😉